Boureima Sawadogo is an economist and assistant professor at the "Centre Universitaire de Ziniare." He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Le Havre, focusing on climate change and vulnerable populations in Burkina Faso. His areas of specialization include climate change, macro-micro modeling, and the analysis of poverty and inequality. Since 2014, he has been providing training and technical support to experts at the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Planning.

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Fields of specialization

Poverty and inequality , Education and training, Fiscal policy, Labour markets and employment, Globalization and trade, Youth and children


Title Country Themes
Adaptation au Changement climatique, genre et la pauvreté au Burkina Faso: une analyse macro-micro Burkina Faso Gender & women’s empowerment , Poverty and Inequality , Climate change
Expansion du secteur minier et le développement économique au Burkina Faso : une analyse en EGC dynam Burkina Faso Poverty and Inequality
Impact de l'expansion économique et commerciale de la chine sur la croissance et l'emploi au Burkina Faso: une analyse en EGC Burkina Faso Labour markets and employment , Globalization and trade


Dr Boureima Sawadogo
Assistant Professor
Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Centre Universitaire de Ziniaré

Contact information:
Ouagadougou (Kadiogo)
Burkina Faso
T: +22670837490

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