Sylvain Eloi Dessy


Sylvain Dessy received his PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA. Prior to joining Laval University, he was a Leverhulm Trust post-doctoral research fellow at the London School of Economics. His research focuses on barriers to structural change in the developing world, with particular emphasis on harmful traditional practices, including child labor, child marriage, polygyny, informal lending. He has published in journals such as the Economic Journal, the Journal of Development Economics, the European Economic Review, and the Canadian Journal of Economics. In 2005, his research on the worst forms of child labor was featured in media outlets such as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), and the Calcutta Telegraph.


 Download the CV.

Fields of specialization

Gender & women’s empowerment, Health and nutrition, Education and training, Labour markets and employment, Youth and children, Climate change


Title Country Themes
Rural renewable energy MSMEs operating to modernize agriculture in and Africa: Barriers, opportunities, and implications for inclusive low-carbon transition in Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Gender & women’s empowerment , Entrepreneurship , Agriculture and food security , Climate change
Fertility Response to Climate Shocks Canada Agriculture and food security , Climate change
Monetary and Multidimensional Child Poverty Tanzania, United Republic of Poverty and Inequality , Youth and children


Mr. Sylvain Eloi Dessy
Université de Laval

Contact information:

Département d'économique, 2152 DeSève, Université Laval, 1025 avenue des sciences humaines
Quebec (Quebec)
T: 418-656-2131, Ext. 406672

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