Lulit Mitik Beyene

Lulit Mitik Beyene is specialized in the impact analysis of policies, programs and shocks. She has over ten years of experience working with macro-micro models for economy-wide and distributional impact analysis. She is currently a freelance researcher and consultant. She has been involved in research and training activities of the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) since 2010. As a consultant to the World Bank, she is involved in capacity building and policy impact analysis in Central Africa and the MENA region since 2018.

Lulit Mitik Beyene is an Ethiopian national. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France). She is fluent in Amharic, French, and English.

 Download the CV.

Fields of specialization

Gender & women’s empowerment, Fiscal policy, Labour markets and employment, Globalization and trade, Agriculture and food security


Title Country Themes
Simulations of policy responses and interventions to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Nigeria Nigeria Health and nutrition
Public Investment on National Food Security Programs in Nigeria: A CGE Analysis of the Macroeconomic, Welfare and Gender Impact on Small Farm Holders in Nigeria. Nigeria Gender & women’s empowerment , Fiscal policy , Agriculture and food security
Assessment of the welfare, employment and gender impacts of policy options for renewable energy financing in Nigeria Nigeria Gender & women’s empowerment , Labour markets and employment
Can a Wage Subsidy be used to Improve Women’s Formal Employment in Zambia? Zambia Gender & women’s empowerment , Labour markets and employment
Resource allocation across industrial sectors, poverty and income inequality in Ethiopia: CGE modelling approach Ethiopia Poverty and Inequality
Institutionalisation project for Mongolia Mongolia Poverty and Inequality , Financial inclusion
Economy-wide impacts of Technological Change in Food Staples in Ethiopia Ethiopia Poverty and Inequality , Agriculture and food security
The effects of minimum wages on the labour market and income distribution in Kenya; a CGE analysis Kenya Poverty and Inequality , Labour markets and employment
The role of Micro and Small Scale Enterprises in Ethiopian Economy; Government Intervention and Alternative Strategies: CGE Analysis Ethiopia Poverty and Inequality , Entrepreneurship
Alternative Policy Strategy to ADLI for Ethiopia: A Dynamic CGE Framework Analysis Ethiopia Poverty and Inequality , Fiscal policy


Dr Lulit Mitik Beyene

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