Title |
Country |
Themes |
Electrification rurale, autonomisation de la femme et bien-être du ménage en milieu rural en Côte d’Ivoire |
Cote D'Ivoire
Gender & women’s empowerment
The role of non-farming activities on rural farming households in Lesotho: a gender perspective |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Labour markets and employment
Fertility Response to Climate Shocks |
Agriculture and food security
, Climate change
Validating the collective model of household consumption using direct evidence on sharing |
Poverty and Inequality
School or work? The role of weather shocks in Madagascar |
Education and training
, Labour markets and employment
, Youth and children
, Climate change
RFP - Examining the Impact of Early Childbearing on Labor Market Outcomes |
Labour markets and employment
, Youth and children
A top-down behaviour (TDB) microsimulation toolkit for distributive analysis |
Poverty and Inequality
Access to child care and mothers’ employment quality: lessons from Chile |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Labour markets and employment
, Youth and children
Can Urbanization Improve Household Welfare and Provide Inclusive Opportunities? The Case of Urban Expansion in Ethiopia |
Poverty and Inequality
Youth unemployment and transition from School to work in Benin |
Education and training
, Labour markets and employment
Cognitive Skills, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Growth in Indonesia |
Education and training
, Entrepreneurship
Poverty, Inequality and Oil Exploitation in Chad |
Poverty and Inequality
Reduction of child poverty in Serbia: balancing between improved cash-transfers and policies that pro |
Poverty and Inequality
, Youth and children
, Social protection
The Dynamics of Microcredit Borrowings in Cambodia |
Financial inclusion
The Impact of Child and Youth Labor on his/her Performance in School |
Education and training
, Labour markets and employment
, Youth and children
Policy alternatives to enhance equity for children in Jordan: context of consumption subsidies reform |
Poverty and Inequality
, Youth and children
Impact of Increased Public Education Spending on Growth and Poverty in Uganda |
Poverty and Inequality
, Fiscal policy
, Youth and children
Estimating the Impact on Poverty of Ghana’s Fuel Subsidy Reform and a Mitigating Response |
Poverty and Inequality
, Fiscal policy
The Effect of input-trade liberalization on Nonfarm and Farm Labor Participation in Rural Vietnam |
Viet Nam
Labour markets and employment
, Globalization and trade
, Agriculture and food security
Bayesian Spatial-Propensity Score Matching Evaluation of the Regional Effects of Microfinance in Bolivia |
Financial inclusion
Access to Credit and Women Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Bangladesh |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Entrepreneurship
Is there discrimination against women entrepreneurs in formal credit markets in Nigeria? |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Entrepreneurship
, Financial inclusion
Estimating economic effects of emigration and remittances on the left-behind in Cambodia |
Globalization and trade
UNICEF-Uganda |
Simulating the Distributive Impacts of Different Growth Strategies in Pakistan |
Fiscal policy
Simulating the distributive impacts of different growth strategies in China |
Poverty and Inequality
Simulating the Distributive Impacts of Different Growth Strategies in the Philippines |
Fiscal policy
Simulating the Impact of the Global Economic Crisis and Policy Responses on Children in Ghana |
Globalization and trade
, Youth and children
Incidences de la crise économique mondiale de 2008/09 et des options de politiques de réponse sur la |
Fiscal policy
, Globalization and trade
Simulation des effets de la crise économique et des politiques de réponse sur les enfants en Afrique |
Burkina Faso
Poverty and Inequality
, Youth and children
Simulating the Impact of the Global Economic Crisis and Policy Responses on Children in West and Cent |
Africa - subregion
Globalization and trade
, Youth and children