Christian Arnault Emini

Dr. Christian Arnault Emini is currently a Senior Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister’s Office in Cameroon, along with his position as Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Yaounde 2 in Cameroon. This dual status makes him a major asset for bridging the research and academic world with the daily practices of economic policy. Dr. Emini has been several times invited as Research Fellow in the Department of Economics of Université Laval in Quebec. He is a consultant for various public and international institutions, inter alia The World Bank, UNICEF, Joint Africa Institute, in many countries. His research interests span fields such as Impacts of public policies, Poverty alleviation, Children, Fiscal policies, Globalization and Trade.


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Fields of specialization

Poverty and inequality , Impacts of government programs, Fiscal policy, Globalization and trade, Youth and children


Title Country Themes
Review of Youth Employment Policies and their Impact in Rwanda Rwanda Labour markets and employment , Youth and children
Review of Youth Employment Policies and their Impact in Ghana Ghana Labour markets and employment , Youth and children
Review of Youth Employment Policies and their Impact in Niger Niger Gender & women’s empowerment , Labour markets and employment , Youth and children , Entrepreneurship
Empirical review of Youth Employment Policies in Burkina Burkina Faso Labour markets and employment
For macro-level gender-responsive policy solutions that can promote women’s economic empowerment in Cameroon Cameroon Gender & women’s empowerment
For macro-level gender-responsive policy solutions that can promote women’s economic empowerment in Burkina Burkina Faso Gender & women’s empowerment
Empirical review of Youth Employment Policies in Niger Niger Labour markets and employment , Youth and children , Entrepreneurship
Empirical review of Youth Employment Policies in Rwanda Rwanda Labour markets and employment , Youth and children
Empirical review of Youth Employment Policies in Ghana Ghana Labour markets and employment , Youth and children
Assessing the Marginalization of Global South researchers in Economic Development Policy Sri Lanka Globalization and trade
Simulations of policy responses and interventions to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Nigeria Nigeria Health and nutrition
Simulations of policy responses and interventions to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Pakistan Pakistan Health and nutrition
Simulations of policy responses and interventions to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Ghana Ghana Health and nutrition
Effets des aléas pluviométriques sur l’agriculture au Burkina Faso : une analyse EGC sensible au genre Burkina Faso Gender & women’s empowerment , Agriculture and food security , Climate change
Impact genre des politiques publiques d’adaptation au changement climatique sur la sécurité alimentaire au Cameroun Cameroon Gender & women’s empowerment , Agriculture and food security , Climate change
Politiques publiques et file d’attente sur le marché du travail au Sénégal Senegal Labour markets and employment
Credit constraints, agricultural productivity and household welfare in Burkina Faso: a gender perspective Burkina Faso Gender & women’s empowerment , Agriculture and food security
Incidences de la stratégie d’investissement 2019-2023 du Sénégal sur la croissance, l'emploi des jeunes et des femmes et le bien-être des ménages : analyse à l'aide d'un modèle EGC dynamique. Senegal Gender & women’s empowerment , Fiscal policy , Labour markets and employment , Youth and children
Impact des politiques publiques pro-genres dans les secteurs agricoles sur l'emploi des femmes dans un contexte de dépendance économique aux ressources naturelles : Cas de la RDC Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Gender & women’s empowerment , Labour markets and employment , Agriculture and food security
The Gender Gap in Smallholder Agricultural Productivity: The Case of Cameroon Cameroon Gender & women’s empowerment , Agriculture and food security
IDENTIFYING KEY POLICY OPTIONS FOR GROWTH AND GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT IN GHANA Ghana Impacts of government programs , Labour markets and employment
L’impact des réformes commerciales sur la croissance économique, l’emploi et la pauvreté dans les pays de la CEDEAO: le cas du Sénégal Senegal Poverty and Inequality , Labour markets and employment , Globalization and trade
L’analyse socio-economique du secteur et de l'emploi informel au Cameroun Cameroon Labour markets and employment
Incidences de la crise économique mondiale de 2008/09 et des options de politiques de réponse sur la Cameroon Fiscal policy , Globalization and trade
Alternative Policy Strategy to ADLI for Ethiopia: A Dynamic CGE Framework Analysis Ethiopia Poverty and Inequality , Fiscal policy
The Poverty Impacts of the Doha Round in Cameroon: The Role of Tax Policy Cameroon Poverty and Inequality , Globalization and trade
Décomposition des effets des politiques économiques et des chocs exogènes sur l'évolution de la pauvreté et de la distribution au Cameroun : Une analyse en équilibre général micro-simulé avec double-calibration Cameroon Poverty and Inequality , Impacts of government programs


Dr Christian Arnault Emini
Senior Lecturer
Université de Yaoundé II

Contact information:

B.P. 35361
Yaoundé (Cameroun)
T: +237 - 6 77 45 52 52

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