Dr. Araar Abdelkrim was born in Souk-Ahras (Algeria) in 1966. After his classical studies, he obtained a bachelor's degree in Economics (finance) at the University of Algiers in 1990. Classified the first at the national level, he obtained a governmental scholarship for training in economics abroad. He obtained a Master degree in Economics at the University of Sherbrooke with a mention of excellence in 1993. Thereafter, he obtained a PhD in Economics at Laval University in 1998. He is a PEP resource person and a consultant at the World Bank. Abdelkrim has long been the principal PMMA resource person, involved in designing and conducting training activities, developing training material, conducting fundamental research, providing distance support to PMMA researchers, mentoring a large number of the PEP projects, developing the DAD software. He is the co-author, with Jean-Yves Duclos, of the book “Poverty and Equity: Measurement, Policy and Estimation with DAD”. In addition, he is a co-author, with Paolo Verme, of the book "The Quest for Subsidy Reforms in the Middle East and North Africa Region". Many of his papers have been published in international journals. He is also the author of a series of the Stata packages, as the DASP Stata package “Distributive Analysis Stata Package” and the SUBSIM "SUBsidy SIMulation" Stata package.
Gender & women’s empowerment, Poverty and inequality , Health and nutrition, Education and training, Impacts of government programs, Fiscal policy
Title |
Country |
Themes |
Exploring the Impact of Social, Cultural, and Legal Contexts on Women's Access to Quality Paid Employment |
Sri Lanka
Gender & women’s empowerment
Impact evaluation_ SENEGAL |
Social protection
Percentile Weights Regression |
Financial inclusion
Addressing context-specific barriers to female labor force participation in decent work in the Philippines |
Gender & women’s empowerment
Addressing context-specific barriers to female labor force participation in decent work - Cross Country analysis |
Sri Lanka
Gender & women’s empowerment
Addressing context-specific barriers to female labor force participation in decent work in Peru |
Gender & women’s empowerment
Addressing context-specific barriers to female labor force participation in decent work in Kenya |
Gender & women’s empowerment
Addressing context-specific barriers to female labor force participation in decent work in Brazil |
Gender & women’s empowerment
Addressing context-specific barriers to female labor force participation in decent work in Sri Lanka |
Sri Lanka
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Labour markets and employment
Addressing context-specific barriers to female labor force participation in decent work in Senegal |
Gender & women’s empowerment
Simulations of policy responses and interventions to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Ethiopia |
Health and nutrition
Simulations of policy responses and interventions to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Ghana |
Health and nutrition
Simulations of policy responses and interventions to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Vietnam |
Viet Nam
Health and nutrition
Gendered Effects of Crop Diversification and Rainfall Shocks on Household Food Security Status in Nigeria |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Agriculture and food security
, Climate change
Women’s Employment Issue in Rural Senegal: What Can We Learn About the Shift From Farm Activities to Diversification Strategies? |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Labour markets and employment
Accessing finance for productive employment opportunities in rural Benin |
Labour markets and employment
, Financial inclusion
The Gender Gap in Smallholder Agricultural Productivity: The Case of Cameroon |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Agriculture and food security
‘Work-study’ and Educational Mismatch among Youths: Evidence from Zambia |
Education and training
, Labour markets and employment
, Youth and children
Access to child care and mothers’ employment quality: lessons from Chile |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Labour markets and employment
, Youth and children
Understanding youth entrepreneurship in Benin: the role of microcredit uptake and entrepreneur capacity building |
Youth and children
, Entrepreneurship
, Financial inclusion
Can Urbanization Improve Household Welfare and Provide Inclusive Opportunities? The Case of Urban Expansion in Ethiopia |
Poverty and Inequality
Migration, Remittances and Child Schooling in Rural Cambodia |
Education and training
, Labour markets and employment
, Youth and children
Gender and Age Diversity to Forster Innovation and Productivity Growth |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Labour markets and employment
Poverty and Inequality
, Labour markets and employment
Do out-migration and remittances induce shifts to non-farm entrepreneurship among the left-behind? Evidence from Nepal |
Labour markets and employment
, Globalization and trade
, Entrepreneurship
Off-farm participation, agricultural production and farmers’ welfare in Tanzania and Uganda |
Poverty and Inequality
, Agriculture and food security
Rural nonfarm engagement and agriculture commercialization in Ghana: complements or competitors? |
Labour markets and employment
, Agriculture and food security
Financial Inclusion and Gender Disparity in Risk Appetite for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Performance: Evidence from Ethiopia |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Education and training
, Financial inclusion
Poverty, Inequality and Oil Exploitation in Chad |
Poverty and Inequality
The Dynamics of Microcredit Borrowings in Cambodia |
Financial inclusion
Gold exploitation and socioeconomic outcomes: the Case of BurkinaFaso |
Burkina Faso
Poverty and Inequality
Migration, Remittances, Labor Market and Human Capital in Senegal |
Labour markets and employment
, Globalization and trade
Spillovers from off farm self-employment opportunities in rural Niger |
Poverty and Inequality
, Labour markets and employment
Female Entrepreneurship, Access to Credit, and Firms' Performance in Senegal |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Entrepreneurship
, Financial inclusion
Mobilité interne et entrepreneuriat des jeunes en République démocratique du Congo |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Education language choice and youth entrepreneurship in Chad |
Education and training
, Youth and children
, Entrepreneurship
Poverty, Inequality and Stochastic Dominance,Theory and Practice : Illustration with BurkinaFaso Surveys |
Burkina Faso
Poverty and Inequality
Is the Value Added Tax Reform in India Poverty-Improving? An Analysis of Data from Two Major States |
Poverty and Inequality
, Fiscal policy
Impact des échelles d'équivalence sur la répartition régionale de la pauvreté au Cameroun: une approche dynamique |
Poverty and Inequality
Transient and Chronic Rural Household Poverty: Evidence from Kenya |
Poverty and Inequality
Measurement and Sources of Income Inequality Among Rural and Urban Households in Nigeria |
Poverty and Inequality