Jose Galdo

Jose Galdo is an Associate Professor of Public Policy and Economics at Carleton University in Ottawa. Dr. Galdo is a Fulbright scholar, research fellow at IZA and holds a doctoral degree in economics from Syracuse University. His research lies at the intersection of labor economics, program evaluation, and microeconometrics. His current research projects focus on methodological issues of programme evaluation; the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in developing countries; and the long-run impacts of civil conflict on individuals' well-being and institutions. Published in peer-reviewed academic journals, he has substantial research and field experience in evaluating active labor market programs in developing countries and has consulted for a range of international and development institutions including the Inter-American Development Bank, United Nations Development Program, and the International Labor Organization.

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Fields of specialization

Education and training, Impacts of government programs, Labour markets and employment


Title Country Themes
Can Mobile Money Induce Entrepreneurial and Financial Behaviors of Members of Village Savings and Loan Associations in Rural Southern Malawi? Malawi Entrepreneurship , Financial inclusion
Information, Price, and Barriers to Adoption and Usage of Mobile Money: Evidence from a Field Experiment in The Gambia Gambia Poverty and Inequality
The Impacts of Access to Free Childcare on Women’s Labor Market Outcomes and Children’s Cognitive Dev Mongolia Gender & women’s empowerment , Health and nutrition , Education and training , Youth and children
Stimulating SME performance and recovery in the aftermath of the Ebola crisis: Evidence from a business training intervention in Liberia Liberia Education and training , Labour markets and employment
The Impacts of Vocational Training Programs on the Duration of Youth Unemployment in Mongolia Mongolia Education and training , Labour markets and employment
Household Wealth and Heterogeneous Impacts of a Market-Based Training Program: The Case of PROJOVEN in Peru Peru Poverty and Inequality , Education and training , Labour markets and employment


Professor Jose Galdo
Associate Professor
Carleton University

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