Ramos Mabugu

Ramos Emmanuel Mabugu is currently Professor of Economics at Sol Plaatje University in South Africa. Mabugu earned his PhD in economics from Gothenburg University. He has written widely on economics and economic policy in leading academic economic journals, books and popular press. He has been a consultant for many international organisations as well as advising governments on economic matters. He has been invited as visiting scholar twice at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italy) and Curtin University (Australia). He is also a Research Fellow at Partnership for Economic Policy and Stellenbosch University. Prior to joining Sol Plaatje University, Mabugu headed the research and policy division at the Financial and Fiscal Commission, and lectured at Universities of Pretoria and Zimbabwe having started his early career as a banker with Standard Bank.

 Download the CV.

Fields of specialization

Gender & women’s empowerment, Poverty and inequality , Fiscal policy, Labour markets and employment, Social protection, Agriculture and food security, Climate change


Title Country Themes
Support for Multilateral Development Bank (MDB) Reform: How can MDBs better support green energy transition and financing in the Global South?” South Africa Climate change
Review of Youth Employment Policies and their Impact in Uganda Uganda Labour markets and employment , Youth and children
The Effective Implementation of Youth Employment Programs in Sub Saharan Africa: A Synthesis of Seven Country Studies Kenya Labour markets and employment , Youth and children
Empirical review of Youth Employment Policies in South Africa South Africa Labour markets and employment , Youth and children
Leading the way: Fostering fair North-South research collaborations South Africa Poverty and Inequality
Empirical review of Youth Employment Policies in Uganda Uganda Labour markets and employment , Youth and children
Empirical review of Youth Employment Policies in Rwanda Rwanda Labour markets and employment , Youth and children
Southern Researchers Marginalisation at the Global, Regional and National Economic Development Consulting Business South Africa Globalization and trade
Simulations of policy responses and interventions to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Health and nutrition
Poverty and Inequality Impacts of Trade Policy Reforms in South Africa South Africa Poverty and Inequality , Globalization and trade
Textiles Protection and Poverty in South Africa South Africa Poverty and Inequality
Does Trade Liberalisation lead to Poverty alleviation' A CGE microsimulation approach for Zimbabwe. South Africa Poverty and Inequality , Globalization and trade
Fiscal Policy Design in South Africa : An Intertemporal CGE Model with Perfect Foresight South Africa Poverty and Inequality , Fiscal policy , Globalization and trade


Professor Ramos Mabugu
Sol Plaatje University
School of Economic and Management Sciences

Contact information:

Sol Plaatje University, Department of Accounting and Economics, Central Campus C001 Building, 26 Scanlan Street, Kimberley, South Africa, 8301
Kimberley (Northern Cape)
South Africa
T: 27 53 491 0402 (Business) 27 83 896 7747 (Mobile)
T: 27 12 348 3058 (Home)
F: 27 828073965 (Mobile)

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