Habiba Djebbari is currently Associate professor at Aix-Marseille University. She is also Research fellow at CIRPEE
CBMS, Gender & women’s empowerment, Poverty and inequality , Health and nutrition, Education and training, Impacts of government programs, Labour markets and employment, Youth and children
Title |
Country |
Themes |
Introducing ICT-enabled climate services to build smallholder farmers resilience: evidence from an experimental study in Benin |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Agriculture and food security
, Climate change
Field experiments to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Benin |
Health and nutrition
Field experiments to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Cote d'Ivoire |
Cote D'Ivoire
Poverty and Inequality
, Health and nutrition
, Youth and children
, Social protection
"Evaluation of the soy productivity improvement pilot project in the Agricultural Development Pole 4 in Benin: An experimental study of the gender-differentiated Impact |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Agriculture and food security
Étude d’impact de l’insertion socio-économique des jeunes vulnérables en Côte d’Ivoire |
Cote D'Ivoire
Poverty and Inequality
, Youth and children
Low Take-up of Social Benefits and Financial Inclusion |
Financial inclusion
, Social protection
Can Mobile Money Induce Entrepreneurial and Financial Behaviors of Members of Village Savings and Loan Associations in Rural Southern Malawi? |
, Financial inclusion
Information, Price, and Barriers to Adoption and Usage of Mobile Money: Evidence from a Field Experiment in The Gambia |
Poverty and Inequality
Impact des Modèles Innovants de Conseil Agricole et d’Entrepreneuriat des Jeunes sur la Résilience et la Sécurité Alimentaire des Ménages au Bénin : Une Approche basée sur les Essais Aléatoires Contrôlés |
Youth and children
, Agriculture and food security
Academic Ambassadors and the Diffusion of Digital Financial Services among the peruvian poor |
Poverty and Inequality
, Education and training
Stimulating SME performance and recovery in the aftermath of the Ebola crisis: Evidence from a business training intervention in Liberia |
Education and training
, Labour markets and employment
Barriers limiting access to financial services for micro and small entrepreneurs in Bolivia: A randomized lab-field experiment on institutional ethnic discriminatory practices |
, Financial inclusion
An Experimental Study of Intra-Household Bargaining in Rural India |
Gender & women’s empowerment
Estimating Participation and Spill-over Effects in Conditional Cash Transfer Programs |
Social protection
Évaluation de l'impact des programmes de cantines scolaires et de déparasitage des écoles primaires rurales au Sénégal |
Poverty and Inequality
, Health and nutrition
, Education and training
, Impacts of government programs
, Youth and children
Assessing the Impact of Ishraq Intervention, A Second-Chance Program for Out-of-School Rural Adolescent Girls in Egypt |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Poverty and Inequality
, Youth and children
Household Wealth and Heterogeneous Impacts of a Market-Based Training Program: The Case of PROJOVEN in Peru |
Poverty and Inequality
, Education and training
, Labour markets and employment