I have a PhD in Business Administration and an Economist Statistician Engineer. I am presently deputy director at the Ministry of Economy and Planning in charge of the follow-up of sector strategies, programmes and projects. My job also involves developing strategic planning tools and supporting public administrations in defining their programs. I am also a Researcher and a Consultant with the United Nations Commission for Africa, the World Bank,  UNDP, UNECA, IMF, and UNESCO. My areas of interest are data collection design, poverty, labour market, impact evaluation, safety net programs, strategic planning, and gender issues. I am also a part-time lecturer. 

 Download the CV.

Fields of specialization

Gender & women’s empowerment, Poverty and inequality , Education and training, Labour markets and employment, Globalization and trade


Title Country Themes
For macro-level gender-responsive policy solutions that can promote women’s economic empowerment in Cameroon Cameroon Gender & women’s empowerment
Impact genre des politiques publiques d’adaptation au changement climatique sur la sécurité alimentaire au Cameroun Cameroon Gender & women’s empowerment , Agriculture and food security , Climate change
EFFICIENCE DE PRODUCTION DU SECTEUR INFORMEL NON-AGRICOLE ET REDUCTION DE LA PAUVRETE AU CAMEROUN Cameroon Poverty and Inequality , Labour markets and employment , Entrepreneurship
Impact des échelles d'équivalence sur la répartition régionale de la pauvreté au Cameroun: une approche dynamique Cameroon Poverty and Inequality


Dr Nguetse Tegoum Pierre Joubert
Head of Unit
Ministy of Economy and Planning

Contact information:

BP 660
Yaoundé (Yaoundé)
T: (00237) 699 359 648
T: 676948686

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