Agnès Zabsonré
Mrs. Zabsonré is currently an Associate Professor of Economics at Université Nazi Boni, Burkina Faso and a Research Fellow at PEP. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Université Laval, Canada and a Master’s degree in Statistics from INSEA, Morocco. Her research interests include welfare and poverty analysis, mineral resources and local public goods provision.
Previouly, she has worked as a research consultant at UNDP and the World Bank and as a statistician at the National Statistical Institute of Burkina Faso where she led the 2003 living standards measurement survey.
She was the recipient of the Governor General’s academic medal in 2012 at Université Laval, and has received the PEP best practice awards. Her papers have been published in some international journals, including World Development, Journal of Public Economics and Canadian Journal of Economics.
Download the CV.
Fields of specialization
Poverty and inequality , Labour markets and employment
Title |
Country |
Themes |
Rural renewable energy MSMEs operating to modernize agriculture in and Africa: Barriers, opportunities, and implications for inclusive low-carbon transition in Burkina Faso |
Burkina Faso
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Entrepreneurship
, Agriculture and food security
, Climate change
Why and how a well-intended (local) government can hide information from citizens for their own good: The case of public goods provision in less developed areas |
Burkina Faso
Social protection
Mobile Phone Communication and Mobile Money Adoption in Burkina Faso: A Direct and Indirect Network Effects Analysis |
Burkina Faso
Financial inclusion
RFP - Examining the Impact of Early Childbearing on Labor Market Outcomes |
Labour markets and employment
, Youth and children
Gold exploitation and socioeconomic outcomes: the Case of BurkinaFaso |
Burkina Faso
Poverty and Inequality
Access to Credit and Women Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Bangladesh |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Entrepreneurship
Mobilité interne et entrepreneuriat des jeunes en République démocratique du Congo |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Is there discrimination against women entrepreneurs in formal credit markets in Nigeria? |
Gender & women’s empowerment
, Entrepreneurship
, Financial inclusion
Education language choice and youth entrepreneurship in Chad |
Education and training
, Youth and children
, Entrepreneurship