Peter Babyenda is an assistant lecturer in the department of Policy and Development Economics (PDE), School of Economics, College of Business and Management Sciences. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Nairobi, Kenya where he specialized in Welfare, Behavioral, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. His areas of specialization are Experimental and Behavioral Analysis of both Microeconomic and Macroeconomic aspects such as Environment, Agriculture, Labour, Forestry, Inclusive growth, Climate Change Adaptation and Welfare. Beyond these, Babyenda Peter is an enthusiast of time series, cross-section survey and panel data analysis and interpretations. Babyenda Peter has about six peer reviewed journal articles, policy briefs and many newspaper articles. He has also been a member of several consulting teams including the resent ones - Design of the Second National Strategy for Private Sector Development, empirical analysis of the Youth Employment Projects and their Impact in Uganda and the Value Chain Analysis of Beef Sub-sector in Uganda. Peter is also the current Policy Engagement Specialist (PES) for the Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) capacity building program for senior civil servants at EfD-Mak-Centre. Peter is also coordinating a peer learning capacity program on community forest management. Google Scholar Account:
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