Mohammed Suhuyini Zakaria

Suhuyini wears multiple hats making him an dynamic and versatile practitioner focused on strengthening and building #Enterprise #Support and #Transaction #Advisory ecosystem in Ghana, #Government #Affairs and Engagements, Tech and Public Policy, Youth Employment & MERL Tech. He has managed smaller and larger diverse teams in Ghana and Globally with a team of about 65 staff per project and a minimum of 3.

He is the Ghana Policy Lead for Speyside Group for policy, government, and regulatory affairs consulting, provided technical support and leadership to numerous projects in his capacity as; Policy and Research Lead, MERL Tech Consultant, Policy, Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant, and Taskforce Chair.

Experienced in #DigiEconomy, and youth employment programme design and implementation coordination; AI and Data Governance in Africa through CAIDP; Building & Scaling Digital Skills, Innovations and Startups, Developing Budding Ecosystems & Hubs funded by Mastercard Foundation, Piloting and Scaling 3 EdTech programs (Digital PaSE eLearning app, EvalYouth Learning Management System & WeGo Innovate), MERL Tech Scan in Africa funded by Mastercard Foundation, and facilitating bilateral trade engagements between governments through ECOWAS.
Served on the National Project Steering Committee of the Internation Trade Centers NTF V Ghana Project, served the Government Task Force of the Youth in Evaluation Initiative under the #EvalA4Action campaign led by the UNFPA, member of the UNFPA Youth Steering Committee for the "Global Evaluation of UNFPA support to women, youth and adolescents", served as Task Force II Co-Chair of EvalYouth Global Network leading the team in implementing the Global Evaluation Mentoring Programme for Emerging Evaluators, and served as a Policy Researcher for the Partnership for Economic Policy [PEP] multi-country study of the impact of youth employment policies in Ghana.

 Download the CV.

Fields of specialization

Gender & women’s empowerment, Poverty and inequality , Education and training, Labour markets and employment, Globalization and trade, Youth and children, Entrepreneurship, Financial inclusion, Social protection


Title Country Themes
Review of Youth Employment Policies and their Impact in Ghana Ghana Labour markets and employment , Youth and children
Empirical review of Youth Employment Policies in Ghana Ghana Labour markets and employment , Youth and children


Mr. Mohammed Suhuyini Zakaria
Public Affairs & Policy, Research, Programmes Lead
MSZ Consult

Contact information:

No. 7, Bauxite Avenue,
Accra (Accra)
T: +233246779783

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