Jourdain Lokossou

Jourdain C. Lokossou is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Departement of Agri-Food Economics and Consumer Sciences at Laval University, Quebec, Canada. He is also a Research Fellow in Forest Economics in the Laboratory of Biomathematics and Forest Estimations (LABEF) of the University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. He holds an MSc in Agricultural Economics and he has over nine years of post-master research experience in the Consultative
Group on International Agricultural Research (AfricaRice and ICRISAT). His research interests include Agricultural technology adoption and impact assessment; Climate change and food security; Economic agents behavior under environmental uncertainty and production/market risk; Market economics and consumer preference analysis.

Fields of specialization

Gender & women’s empowerment, Poverty and inequality , Labour markets and employment, Agriculture and food security, Climate change


Title Country Themes
Cross-country analysis of employment in rural farm and non-farm sectors in sub-Saharan Africa : A meta-analysis approach”. Canada Entrepreneurship , Financial inclusion


Mr. Jourdain Lokossou
PhD. Candidate
Department of Agri-Food Economics and Consumer Sciences
Laval University

Contact information:

2255, rue de l'Université
Laval (Quebec)
G1V A07
T: (+1)418656-7777, ext 412479

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