Francesca Marchetta

After obtaining her Ph.D. in Development Economics at the University of Florence in 2008, Francesca Marchetta was a Jean Monnet Post-Doc Fellow at the European University Institute. From November 2010 to September 2012 she was post-doc at CERDI, University of Auvergne, where she is now Assistant Professor.

Her main area of research interest is human development, with a special focus on economic migration, education, labor market and gender issues. She has published on Economic Development and Cultural ChangeWorld DevelopmentJournal of Development StudiesCanadian Journal of Development Studies and Middle East Development Journal.  


Title Country Themes
Climate shocks and decision-making amongst smallholder farm households in Malawi: Do gender roles influence adaptation? Malawi Gender & women’s empowerment , Agriculture and food security , Climate change
The unintended consequences of the Malawi Farm Input Subsidy Programme (FISP) on women's agency Malawi Gender & women’s empowerment , Agriculture and food security
Fertility Response to Climate Shocks Canada Agriculture and food security , Climate change
School or work? The role of weather shocks in Madagascar Canada Education and training , Labour markets and employment , Youth and children , Climate change
Migration, Remittances and Child Schooling in Rural Cambodia Cambodia Education and training , Labour markets and employment , Youth and children


Mme Francesca Marchetta
Université Clermont Auvergne

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