Fatoumata Singhateh

I hold a Masters of Art in Economics from University of Mauritius with specialization in Health Economics and Applied Econometrics. Hence my research interest is in Applied Microeconomics, Econometrics, Banking  and Health Economics with a particular focus on issues such as poverty and access to healthcare,  inequality,  and economics of education in developing countries.  Before my MA in Economics,  I graduated with a Bachelor of Economics,  Major in Economics and minor in Finance , from University of the Gambia.

 Download the CV.

Fields of specialization

Gender & women’s empowerment, Poverty and inequality , Health and nutrition, Education and training, Fiscal policy, Globalization and trade


Title Country Themes
Learning Through Play and Early Childhood Education: Evaluating Teacher Performance Gambia Education and training , Youth and children
Learning Through Play and Early Childhood Education: Evidence from The Gambia Gambia Education and training
Information, Price, and Barriers to Adoption and Usage of Mobile Money: Evidence from a Field Experiment in The Gambia Gambia Poverty and Inequality


Mrs. Fatoumata Singhateh
Principal Policy Analyst
Ministry of Public Service (Office Of The President ), The Gambia
Department of Strategic Policy &Delivery

Contact information:

Fatoumata Singhateh C/O Office of The President , State House pmb Banjul The Gambia
Banjul (Old Yundum)
pmb state house
T: +220 7568889

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