Jerry Louis-Jeune

  • Master of International Management of Air Transport and Tourism (Information Systems)
  • Joint Master in Touristic SME's and Territorial Management and Sustainable Territorial Development
  • Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of Management

Jerry Louis-Jeune is an International Business Consultant and Marketing Expert with over 8 years of management, marketing, communication & business development experience in various geographic areas and sectors including IT, Food Safety, Agriculture, Travel & Tourism, and Education.

Jerry Louis-Jeune helps in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the research projects in Haïti by providing support in instrumentation, data management. database management and maintenance. He also provided consultation, technical and administrative assistance, and conducted training for data collectors.

 Download the CV.

Fields of specialization

Gender & women’s empowerment, Education and training, Globalization and trade, Entrepreneurship


Title Country Themes
Développement d'un système de statistiques communales dans deux mairies de l'aire métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince Haiti Poverty and Inequality


Mr. Jerry Louis-jeune
Data Research Analyst
Centre Haïtien d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales Economiques et Sociales

Contact information:

Toulouse (Occitanie)
T: +33749303366

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