2023-CEDCA-Kenya Rural renewable energy MSMEs operating to modernize agriculture in and Africa: Barriers, opportunities, and implications for inclusive low-carbon transition in Kenya


The long-term development agenda for Kenya is enshrined in Kenya Vision 2030, an economic blueprint aimed at transforming the country into a newly-industrialising, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens in a clean and secure environment. The vision is operationalized through 5-year midterm plans (MTPs). To ensure that the development agenda appreciates the impact of climate change on different economic sectors, the country launched the National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS) in 2010 and has been operationalizing this strategy through National Climate Change Action Plans (NCCAPs), with the current being NCCAP 2018-2022. In addition, the country developed the National Climate Change Policy and enacted the Climate Change Act 2016 to guide the response to climate change and transition towards a low carbon climate resilient development pathway. Other policy documents developed to support the response to climate change include the Green Economy Strategy and Implementation Plan (GESIP 2016-2030) and the nationally determined contributions (NDC) in response to the Paris Agreement. All these documents appreciate the energy sector as critical in addressing climate change and achieving a low-carbon development pathway; and have highlighted specific interventions in the sector to achieve these goals. At the ministry level, the Ministry of Energy (MoE) is in charge of policies to create an enabling environment for efficient operation and growth of the sector, sets the strategic direction for the growth of the sector, and provides a long-term vision for all sector players. Presently, the ministry is focused on a) national energy and policy management; b) hydro-power development; c) geothermal exploration and development; c) rural electrification programme; d) promotion of renewable energy; and e) energy regulation, security, and conservation.


Project leader: Richard Mulwa

Project researchers: Laura Barasa | Kefa Simiyu

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