RF_001 International research collaboration in Development Economics: understanding the patterns


Development economics explicitly focuses on understanding development processes and providing evidence for policy formulation in developing countries, but researchers based on those developing countries are underrepresented in many relevant areas of the field. One of these areas is that of diffusion of scientific knowledge in development economics, mainly achieved through publications in peer-reviewed journals. Publications in prestigious development journals reflect an unequal distribution in terms of the geographical locations of authors, with a clear dominance of researchers from developed countries. The underrepresentation of southern-based researchers in academic publications can arise for different reasons (shortage of qualified scholars in southern countries, weaknesses of their academic networks, material obstacles, language barriers, unconscious biases from reviewers or editors, among others). Achieving greater geographical diversity in the field of development would be beneficial as it would turn the field more representative, as well as allow a deeper understanding of the local contexts, with the consequent improvements on the quality and impact of related policies. The exclusion of southern-based researchers may also result in biased methodological choices and less academic richness in the discipline. Besides these practical considerations, access of researchers from developing countries to the areas where knowledge is created and disseminated is also funded on epistemic justice grounds.


Project leader: Veronica Amarante

Project researchers: Julieta Zurbrigg

Scientific mentors: John Cockburn

Journal publication

Authors Co-Authors Title of paper Title of Economic Review Bibliographic references
Verónica Amarante, Julieta Zurbrigg <p>Research collaboration in development economics</p> Review of Development Economics


Working Papers

Title Modified Size Comments Recommendations
Research Collaboration in Development Economics: Understanding Disparities in Publication Patterns 2023-09-28 4.75MB 0 0

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