PIERI-20331 Citizen participation and mobilization of local resources in Benin: The case of built and unbuilt property taxes


One of the main reasons that explain the poor performance in the collection of property taxes in developing countries in general and Benin in particular is the fact that its mobilization often provokes strong opposition and is at the origin of an important political cost. Expect using randomization technic on target population composed of landholders, the policy measure to be implemented as part of this project aims to strengthen the impact of citizen participation in decision-making on property tax mobilization. In the end, the project will contribute to promoting the mobilization of property taxes by fiscal responsibility of landholders.


Project leader: Damas HOUNSOUNON

Project researchers: HOUNKPEVI Gbènagnon O. Françoise | Balbine Gwladys Noussoï AHOMAGNON | Jonas FASSINOU | BOCCO Michelle | HAGNONOU Anicette | AGOLI-AGBO Romaric

Scientific mentors: Guillermo Cruces | Maria Laura Alzua

Journal publication

Authors Co-Authors Title of paper Title of Economic Review Bibliographic references
Jonas Fassinou, Pam Zahonogo, Damas Hounsounon <p>Analysis of Tax Compliance Determinants and Property Owners Socio-Economic Profile in Benin</p> African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal

2022 Issue 1
p. 224-248

Working Papers

Title Modified Size Comments Recommendations
Citizen Participation and Mobilization of Local Tax Resources in Benin: The Case of the Taxation of Built and Unbuilt Property Taxes 2021-11-15 2.49MB 0 0

Policy Briefs

Title Modified Size Comments Recommendations
Une approche participative peut améliorer la mobilisation des taxes foncières au Bénin 2022-03-28 1.49MB 0 0

Final report

Title Modified Size Comments Recommendations
Citizen participation and mobilization of local resources in Benin: The case of built and unbuilt property taxes 2025-02-10 3.39MB 0 0


Title Modified Size Comments Recommendations
Citizen participation and mobilization of local resources in Benin: The case of built and unbuilt property taxes 2025-02-10 407.23kB 0 0

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