MPIA-12303 Simulating the distributive impacts of different growth strategies in China


Governments encourage growth through various policies: infrastructure, education, training, health, agricultural extension, trade, etc. Each strategy has wide-ranging impacts on the entire economy (sectoral production, wages and other factor returns, consumer prices, public finances, etc.) with very different distributive consequences. By building these "motors of growth" into an economy-wide model linked to a household survey-based microsimulation model, we will simulate the distributive impacts of various growth policies, provide insights on accompanying


Project leader: Kevin Z. Chen

Project researchers: Jintian Wang | Yumei Zhang | Wang Xinxin

Journal publication

Authors Co-Authors Title of paper Title of Economic Review Bibliographic references
Yumei Zhang Kevin Z. Chen,Wang Xinxin Growth and distributive effects of public infrastructure investments in China Infrastructure and Economic Growth in Asia

Springer, 2013, 87-116

Working Papers

Title Modified Size Comments Recommendations
Growth and distributive effects of public infrastructure investments in China 2012-08-13 1544.31KB 0 1

Policy Briefs

Title Modified Size Comments Recommendations
Growth and Distributive Effects of Public Infrastructure Investments in China 2012-08-14 468.09KB 0 0

Final report

Title Modified Size Comments Recommendations
Public Infrastructure Investment and Inclusive Growth in China 2012-05-27 1190.96KB 1 1


Title Modified Size Comments Recommendations
2010-12-31 267.81KB 0 0

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